Dr. Reiner Füllmich about “This is a long time Agenda for Population reduction” we are dealing with Sociopaths
Doctor Reiner Füllmich explains how we are watching a Mafia, corporate elite doing really evil things, let’s hear how he explains in less than 3 minutes about the Plandemic and how they are working to denounce publicly this genocide.
In Website COVID CRIME they explain to us as “The largest organized crime against humanity ever perpetrated”:
The virus SARS-CoV2, which is causing the disease COVID-19 belongs to the group of common cold Human coronaviruses (CoVs). There have been seven coronavirus types which have been associated with diseases in humans. The first one was already discovered in the 1960’s.
Studies linked them to as much as one-third of upper respiratory tract infections during winter outbreaks. SARS has been discovered in 2002. Although SARS-CoV2 is a new virus it actually belongs to the group of Human coronaviruses and has genetic similarities to SARS-CoV, the virus that causes SARS. Like all other viruses, coronaviruses mutate and RNA viruses commonly have a high rate of genetic mutation.
Like many other DNA and RNA viruses coronaviruses appear to be an ancient viral lineage. There seems to be an ancient coevolutionary relationship between coronaviruses and their natural hosts.
The Lethality and Case Count is not much higher than a medium severe influenza. Up to 30% of all additional deaths may have been caused not by COVID-19, but by the effects of lockdowns, panic and fear.
In the US and some other countries, fatal medical mismanagement of some COVID-19 patients occurred due to questionable financial incentives and inappropriate protocols.
A new study from November 2020 says that there were no asymptomatic positive cases in 96.4% of the residential communities and that the asymptomatic positive cases detected in this study were unlikely to be infectious.
The virus test kits used internationally produce false positive and to a lesser extent false negative results.
Our immune system is already a very powerful machine and made up of two main parts 1. the natural or innate immune system and 2. the adaptive or acquired immune system.
For people at high risk or high exposure, early or prophylactic treatment is essential to prevent progression of the disease and avoid hospitalization. There are medications available, which have been on the market for a very long time, have been successful in prophylactic treatment and/or prevent progression of the disease and avoid hospitalization.
A WHO study of 2019 on measures against influenza pandemics concluded that from a medical perspective, contact tracing is “not recommended in any circumstances”. Contact tracing apps on cell phones have also failed in most countries. https://covid-crime.org/
Dr. Fuellmich can be found on website:
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Dr. Reiner Fuellmich – Update on Nuremberg 2.0
Video source “mariazeee” on Rumble
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a lawyer who has been working tirelessly at holding world governments accountable, spearheading Nuremberg 2.0.
Tonight he will give us an update on exactly what these lawsuits are, how they differ from the original Nuremberg Trials, and where he is up to in his global efforts. You can rack the work of the Corona Investigative Committee here (translation to English button in top right hand corner):
Dr Reiner Fuellmich’s Telegram: https://t.me/ReinerFuellmichEnglish
By Senex Petrovic …a Broken Screen
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