Go West / Pet Shop Boys / Village People / Predictive Programming
Mocking the Russian Anthem ~ NATO Planned Ukraine since 70’s: Russian Anthem VS Go West Village People – Pet Shop Boys
Village People released this hit since 1978, by then there were already plans for Ukraine, as a gateway to dismember Russia, Ukraine is mentioned since before WWII, after WWII it was mentioned as a gateway to hit Russia, people like Henry Kissinger spoke against a conflict in Ukraine that would extend a conflict to Europe, by the time Putin decided this ‘Special Operation’ in Ukraine, there were already concrete NATO plans, including BioLabs with Russian and Slavic genetic samples in general.
Russia captured the plans in NATO laptops, writings and Drones ready for the deployment of bioweapons, plans that were cut short when Russia took the initiative.
We are on the brink of World War III and everything seems perfectly planned, the energy war, the attack on supply chains, fires in food plants, port closures blamed on the plandemics, etc. and now ‘Putin’s Inflation’.
Go West (1978), first by Village People, then by Pet Shop Boys (1993), attempted to mock and did mock of the Russian National Anthem, this every Russian knows, because of the resemblance of the song to their National Anthem, usually a most ‘sacred’ symbol for any nationalist, however worldwide only a few realise that it is an operative, a crude attempt to mock Russian Nationalism, their fervour for the homeland and the civic values that endure in Russia.
A kind of MKULTRA for the Mases was applied as an operative in the song, which Pet Shop Boys took it upon themselves to revive, just in anticipation of George H. W. Bush’s plans, who at the time was already talking about a “New World Order” to revive the Hegemony of the Dollar as a global currency and the NWO that we already know all too well.
The song went viral, as planned, so much so that it carries the stigma of a Gay anthem just like other songs (i.e. ‘I will survive’). Attacking in the Russian Anthem directly, something Putin himself has abhorred, which is Gender preference, the LGBT Agenda in particular.
Go West was a precursor to Nato’s war propaganda, making viral the loss of values, Village People which started as a mockery went viral and eventually lost the meaning for which it was intended. Village People is a gay flag, it is a flag of pagan worship, the mockery of nationalist values, the mockery of race and they turned it into a gay symbol.
In the Pet Shop Boy video they actually use the Ukrainian colours and flag, “Go West” they shout as soldiers dressed in white (death for the fatherland) climbing stairs to the sky while two guardians of the Statues of Liberty are dressed in blood, the guardians of freedom and free peoples?
“Go West” shouts the song, inviting the Eastern, “Nationalist” Russians to lose their roots going to the West, to Europe, to America, while in the West the cowboys, the gays invite to a land where “We will leave someday”, “Life is peaceful there”, as in Russia the LGBT flag is not accepted, “Sun in wintertime” unlike the Russian Cold,
However, in one way or another, the Pet Shop Boys version also invites that nostalgia for the times of Socialism, indirectly arouses nationalistic feelings and thus loses the sense of what it was intended for, specially for those ex sovietic countries.
The success of Go West was resounding and worldwide, although it calls to go to the West, the same video (Pet Shop Boys) presents nostalgic images of Russia, which as a mere tourist destination anyone would like to visit.
This kind of MKULTRA operations have been done before, every event and military movement has a war propaganda behind it, we saw it with the fall of the Berlin Wall and “Scorpions – Wind Of Change” which talks about times of change while talking about Moscow, it had a world tour and massive concerts organised by NATO in the background. Which celebrated the “liberation” of the then socialist Germany from Russia, which eventually with Russia’s withdrawal turned it into what we see today, a puppet of the USA.
We saw the same with the invasion of Syria, concerts sponsored by NGOs, concerts against Cuba, Venezuela, now Ukraine, operatives paid for by American taxes, which indirectly promote the wishes of Nato and demonise and cancel out its detractors.
What next? more wars will come, more operatives will come and then you will be awake to look for the signs, look for the sponsors, look at the organisers, find the NGOs involved and find the source of the plan, which is usually that “Deep State” full of war profiteering sewer rats, merchants of death and destruction who feed on plunder.
In the words of GEORGE S0R0S “They are building their own empire with the pieces they are leaving behind” (the Soviet Union).
By Senex Petrovic …a Broken Screen 2022