The Transhumanist Agenda Behind Operation C0VlD-19 and Agenda 2030 (La Quinta Columna/España)
Ricardo delgado, from La Quinta Columna, a digital newspaper that has lately focused on discovering what is behind the Pandemic and Vaccines, through a group of researchers, clinicians and other multidisciplinary experts, talks about a summary of the effect of vaccines, its functions, adverse effects, the technological agenda behind them, and what would lead us in the short term to a Trans-humanist humanity, where, as WEF creator Klaus Schwab explains, it would be a humanity that brings together biological and cybernetic characteristics, in a new hybrid race, trans-human, interconnected with Artificial Intelligence, with electronic devices, as Klaus mentions, in an “Internet of Bodies”.
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Video original en Español. subtitulos en Catalán
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Song “Ten Years After – I'd Love to Change The World”
by Senex Petrovic …a Broken Screen 2021