“And there’s something new, which is very promising, and it’s something called the mRNA vaccine, with RNA and DNA, instead of putting parts in the DNA, you put instructions in the genetic code that takes care of generating those parts in the code.”
Bill Gates 2019
This video, widely promoted by Bill Gates before the pandemic, was suddenly censored and continues to be censored on the networks, as it exposes Bill Gates explaining that his vaccines DO modify people’s DNA, something that was first proudly presented and then due to people’s fear, was withdrawn from the scientific proposal, assuring now that the DNA is not modified, however we see that this has always been its function, the vaccinated will therefore be a new hybrid species of mutant genes, GMO, with parts of animal origin plus human fetuses extracted from the womb and parts of genetically engineered animal viruses.
Is Alive!!! Booster Shots! It’s a Cult!
The video also exposes what we already know, the Gates patents (of Hell), the content in the vaccines containing Quantum Dots, which are a way to establish links between an artificial intelligence that gathers the databases of all vaccinated people, generating with that technology, not only the database but a link between the quantum dot and the final computer, We are at the apex of the development of quantum physics, quantum computers and genetic modification, yet we see that this is one of the largest genetic and pseudo-scientific experiments in which the world’s population is exposed.
If this is not insanity, then we do not know what is.
Source: Telegram
by Senex Petrovic …a Broken Screen 2021