Denzel Washington on fake news and information overload – BBC News
Denzel Washington:
“What is the long-term effect of too much information?, the polarization of the electorate
-as false information as well because…
All of it, pickone! pick one… it's not just one that's the flavor today every day is something else people have to understand are you using your device as your device using you can you put it down can you turn it off
-you're talking about literally
I don't care what information pick one phone television you know it used to be news
Now it's opini-news, Oh glasses we have three experts on the right three on the left let's discuss cool light bulbs we have three experts on the right that's not news step continues well over and over and over cycle cycle cycle cycle cycle
What is the long-term effect of too much information? if you're sitting there and you're thinking it's the gospel.. What I was saying to people is to all of us… I'm not knocking the phone, What I'm saying is we have to understand we have to at least ask ourselves around the world you here in England wherever you are what are you doing us…”
I you don't read the newspaper you are uniformed, But if you read it Your'e misinformed
Denzel Washington
Anything you practice you get good at, including BS…. but you heard me? Does it make sense?
By Senex Petrovic …a Broken Screen