FreeWorldNews.TV: Athletes All Over The World Are
Dropping Dead From Vaccines, By MarkRasmussen in Rumble
Mainstream Media:
“shots | vaccines | booster | first dose | second dose | first | vaccinated | un vaccinated | not fully vaccinated | fully vaccinated | likely connection | Collapsing | Suddenly | Unexpectedly | Vaccines are Extremely | Extremely effective | Those are Extremely Rare Conditions | Rare Heart Condition | The reason is unknown | the benefits of vaccinations far outweigh the risks | The condition is rare | Experts say | the benefits in saving lives | preventing serious sickness | in all age groups | the possible risks | heart inflammation cases | in a million | reporting rate | for both sexes | experts told that is rare | but it does need more analysis | Extremely rare side effect | far outweigh the risk | the benefits of the shots outweigh the risks | still clearly outweigh the risk | so you do the cost benefit ratio here | Experts | Experts continue to say | it’s so important | he collapsed | she collapsed | is an extremely rare side effect | we have a player down | very small number | very rare | no need for panic | transparency to the public | continue to be aware | continue to honestly and transparently | as information arises | died after complications | suddenly dies | suddenly collapsed | vaccination | covid-19 | covid | coronavirus | after being given | his first dose | his second dose | her first dose | her second dose | morbility | co morbilities | preexistent conditions | non related conditions | Myocarditis | Pericarditis | auto immune condition | condition”
“MKUltra doesn’t exist, it’s just a conspiracy theory” “We can trust News Media” “Government takes good care of us” “It’s an altruistic philanthropist for our own good” “It’s for the common good” “Un-vaccinated are killing people” “The only pandemic is among the unvaccinated” “‘Freedom‘ hinders the response” “Put aside all of these personal liberties for a common enemy” “Screw your freedom” …they said!🤔💭
Senex Petrovic …a Broken Screen