They want you Sick, Locked Up, Isolated, Jobless, Assetless and Dependent on the Powerful.
We would be moving from a Democratic, Capitalist Society to a complete Communist Fascism, where the Corporations will Own everything, while you will “Want nothing”, how is that possible? by being inter-connected with the Internet of Bodies, your desires suppressed by a state of continuous apathy by chemicals or mind control, which will make you more docile, more manageable, and from time to time you will receive a reward, a Treat, for your obedience, and you will be able to eat meat.
All, of course, for a better future against the biggest problem, Climate Change. Human beings are a devouring species, who cannot get enough, a plague, a swarm of separatist minds, that is why we are going to be concentrated in a hive mind, in a state of complete Equilibrium.

Predictive Programming
Will the human mind be able to withstand this kind of siege, put aside its free will and remain a “Human”? Perhaps that is the question, to become Transhumans, controlled, dependent on a new market of parts, arms, organs, bodies, avatars, creating a virtual or physical need for components, health and the desire for a life in society, a society that they will be modifying at their own whim.
Social Score Credit v1.0
The World Economic forum – The Great Reset and a New World Order

Senex Petrovic …a Broken Screen