Putin at human rights council 31Oct2017
Now it is clear: Agendas of Transhumanism, Genetic Manipulation, Disease, Birth and Eugenics Control. A Depopulation Agenda commanded first by the likes of Gates Sr, Kissinger and now in charge of Lil Billy Gates III and Saint Klaus Schwab.
Plandemic WEF NWO Agenda 2030: US military developing genetic extinction technologies
Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Russian citizens’ “biological material is being collected all around the country” at Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights in Moscow, Oct,31 2017.
The President went on to say that “it is being done among people of various ethnic groups and people living in various geographic areas in the Russian Federation.”
It is clear that the Agenda of fear in which we are trapped has a whole background difficult to explain and understand for a mind “adequate, stable and scientifically based on verifiable facts”, but now, that the most irreconcilable facts of the human mind are coming out, as there is an agenda of extinction by means of inoculations, but we see it daily, “sudden deaths”, “deaths in sports”, deaths everywhere, the press publishes them but nobody dares to comment, doctors avoid at all costs to give a reliable medical diagnosis, and all that is left are “natural deaths”, co-morbidities, pre-existing diseases, unrelated deaths, etc.
Medicine has become a farce, everyone is afraid to go to a hospital, because they go in for a fracture and come out in a coffin with a diagnosis of C0VlD.

I wonder, until what moment, the common people will take off that blindfold, which seems to be the same mask, which does not only blindfold their mouth, comments or ideas but also their sight, the evident, the palpable, the reasoning, all those symptoms out of place have not been able to break with that hypnotism in which the media have them, graphene in vaccines, parasites and bacteria, so many videos of magnetofection, so many videos of side effects, live deaths in sports games, live fainting in news media, “accidents” caused by sudden deaths attributed to falling asleep at the wheel. This is already a circus.
The period of disbelief should be over, the injections are deadly, they are killing fertility, developing foetuses die, the health of hitherto healthy people and especially young athletes, it is clear that this is a “Mass formation psychosis” and “Cognitive Dissonance”, there is none so blind as those that cannot see.
By now, we should have left behind the Cult of St. Fauci, the Cult of Scientology, a cult of believing in something without questioning, the Cult of trusting bureaucrats just because they receive a salary and hold titles, granted by the same companies that sponsor them.
Science is like mathematics, it is worthy of verification, corroboration, proof, debate and it is univocal, not a matter of faith. Dr. Fraudci is wrong and all his believers when he says “Questioning me is Questioning Science”, Ergo, ‘don’t question me as I am Science’.
In this leak, we are talking of 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin states that his Intelligence reports inform him that they have been collecting not only biometric data on individuals, photographs and digital information, but biological data, DNA, which, as we have already seen today, allows them to have a database of the Genome of each individual and using advanced Quantum Biology techniques, they can use both ways, Input/Output to manipulate both the biology of the “connected” subjects and of course, their behaviours.

Henry Kissinger told us that Humanity must be reduced “for the greater good”, Klaus Schwab speaks of an “infatuation” with Kissinger as his mentor, Justin Castrudeau speaks of Mr. Klaus Schwab as his mentor, Gates who dominates the control of vaccines and medical experiments comes from a eugenicist family, Klaus Schwab proudly speaks of having “penetrated” most Presidential Cabinets including Putin, Angela Merkel, Mauricio Macri, Emmanuel Macron etc, and is the Author of “The Great Reset“, book and Agenda.
as a Mentor (Depopulation Agenda)
It is clear that it is a whole Agenda, it is clear that it comes from years if not decades before the declaration of the Pandemic, and that “It’s a big Club and you ain’t in it!
Senex Petrovic …a Broken Screen