Russia: “We are talking about a real possibility of a major conflict between Russia and NATO”
Sergey Lavrov Russian Foreign Minister: It is unacceptable on the basis of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, involving the use of nuclear weapons with non-nuclear countries is unacceptable, they are creating the scenario of using nuclear weapons against Russia, it is time to return those nuclear weapons to their country of origin and dismantle all those infrastructures in Europe, now as in the past, we believe that there will be no winner in a nuclear war and it should never start.
Sergey Lavrov calls for nuclear weapons in Russia's neighbouring territory to be returned,
He spoke of unilateral sanctions, branding them “illegal”.
Sergey Lavrov: “The East clearly lost self-control by its Anger against Russia, breaking all the rules and institutions that they themselves have created, including the inviolability of property rights, the arrogant philosophy of the East, based on its own sense of Superiority, Exceptionalism and Impunity, must end”.
Dimitry Peskov, Russian Press Secretary for his part said that the accusations against Russia of war crimes are false, yet Volodymyr Zelenskyy is still considered the leader of Ukraine, he is asked to hand over his weapons and there will be no more victims on both sides, Russia is accused of attacking Ukraine with banned weapons, Cluster Bombs or Vacuum Bombs, these claims are “completely false”.
Oksana Boyko(RT Journalist):
We are no longer talking only about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, we are talking about a real possibility of a major conflict between Russia and NATO.
That's why sanctions that limit freedom of information are not right, you can't limit the information flow, for example now with the Russian attack confirmed how are you going to inform people to seek refuge if you block their access to information.
In modern terms this is what is called a hybrid war, where you apply sanctions, you block access and transport, you block media, you block accounts and financial transactions, yet everyone wonders how far this hybrid war hits the “enemy” and how far it affects everyone as a whole, blocking access to information violates human rights to be informed, free speech and free thought, It is clear that these information sanctions do not affect the Russian public, blocking the Disney channel will not prevent them from being informed from the media abroad, the only way to block the Russians in Russia is to block the global internet network, which is practically impossible, theorists claim that this could lead to a blocking or crash of global networks, just 2 days ago Hillary Clinton asked the world Hackers to punish Russia, proudly says with attacks just as she did in the Arab wars.
Senex Petrovic …a Broken Screen