Warmonger Hannity Insanity: “He's got to know (PUTIN) that is entire country (Russia) is gonna be blown off of the face of the earth.”
Video Source: Fox News
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Fox News host Sean Hannity, donning the Cowboy Daredevil hat and guns, saying the US should bomb Russia “off the face of the earth” if it uses weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine and should not “cower” at the prospect of a global nuclear holocaust brought about by “mutually assured destruction”‘.
Hannity seems to have a lapse of Insanity, since the Ukraine conflict began Sean seems to have lost coherence and adopted the utter insanity, he previously said of Putin: ‘Cut the head of the snake off and you kill the snake', suggesting an assassination. On numerous occasions he has pressed his analysts to adopt what he calls the Reagan Doctrine.
Tulsi Gabbard never ceases to amaze me, she seems increasingly coherent and eloquent, she questions motives and strategies, at one point she coldly replies to Hannity, “Those are tactics”, what are you trying to achieve, that's the important thing, Sean seems desperate and fails to convince her, concludes by giving his own opinion of what his audience expects to hear, more warmonger dialectics and closes by slapping the desk.
It is clear that Sean's strategy is just a screen, he is just a mime palming a non-existent glass screen, a clown doing an act without an audience, he is following an agenda and surely in his fantasy he thinks we must all agree with his point of view which only benefits the Military Industrial Complexes, supplied by private companies, who cause pain, trade in death, and pass public sentences without putting a single boot in the ground.
Tulsi Gabbard is a Lieutenant with the U.S. Army National Guard in the Hawaii District, clearly with a military point of view and analytical skills to be appreciated. The Biden administration looks like a headless chicken, and it seems that was the intention all the way.
Senex Petrovic …a Broken Screen