RT Documentary “Ukraine: Heading East” March 2022
Biological weapons are weapons of mass destruction involving biological agents – pathogens, dangerous viral infections – and the means of delivery. Aerosols, sprays, rodents, or insects can be used to spread pathogens. These weapons are indiscriminate. If used, they can harm anyone in a given area, making them particularly dangerous.
Most people envision biological weapon attacks as a massive plague or smallpox epidemic, or an outbreak of Ebola. For centuries, these diseases had tremendous destructive power. Today, however, biological weapons can be used surreptitiously without causing severe effects. Sometimes, their deadly effects can be stretched over a period of time, making it difficult to determine whether it is a natural phenomenon or a directed attack.
Though these types of weapons were banned in 1925, their development is still active, as dozens of secret labs exist and people’s biological material is collected and stored. So how real is biological warfare?
Watch “Bio-Weapons: Truth or Fiction?” on RTD website and on RT’s live feed. The time of the broadcast is available on RT’s schedule page.
Source: RT Documentary Channel

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Europe and the United States are silencing Russian voices specifically Russia Today America in the States and RT UK have been closed the first and censored the latter, Mass Media has officially become War Propaganda, The Mass Media is claiming for a Russian Coup to discharge Putin, of course that would be the easy, quick and cheap way….
But, if the world as a whole is strongly divided… isn’t it a double-edged sword? With warmongering propaganda such a scenario becomes uncharted territory, the knife is in the air and at any second it can fall on either side, the only thing that stands in the way are human consciences, free speech and truth.
Let’s be clear, the sides are between the Old World Order, the dominance and “stability” of the Dollar, and a New World Order (To be controlled by the Deep State, Khazarian Mafias, Soros, Roschitlds, Monarchies, the authors of the eternal Plandemies, Corporate Fascism, Extreme Surveillance and Trans-humanism), they want this New World Order to be eternal, a Chinese Social Credit System where the human being becomes a subject for eternity, Neo-Feudalism where their desires, development and capacities are controlled, with a single narrative and no possibility of dissent, that gentlemen is what is at stake, not a war against Russia… A war against the Human Being, Putin is just a stone that is about to be removed, while we have these few seconds to reflect…
Senex Petrovic …a Broken Screen