Slava Ukraina Wins Eurovision! US NATO and the European Union are Normalizing NAZlSM
Eurovision, the European Union’s reality show, allows Ukraine to take the trophy, but many countries denounced fraud by not allowing them to vote for the winner. The representative ends her performance by shouting ‘Slava Ukraina’, who takes the night, glorifying the Bandera cry with the Roman or Nazl Salute.
We see casually how for every political step on the European and American agenda the Ukrainians have suddenly become the tomato in every spaghetti.
Once upon a time, in 1939, the NAZlSM was glorified by those who believed it was coming to bring to the world a new Jerusalem of Beatitudes, the rest of the story is already known. However, it seems that the International Organisations supported by NATO, the United States and the European Union, are pushing to normalise Ukrainian NAZlSM, which is rising from its ashes, a heritage that never died but only lay dormant in those countries that once glorified NAZlSM and were militarily swept away by Russia and the Allied Forces of the United States and Great Britain, history is becoming more and more confused, blurred, as if intentionally erased from the Collective Subconscious to revive it, now on a new mission, to eradicate the ‘Pariah’ State of Russia, ‘Dismember it and Divvy up the Pieces’, some like George Soros openly and proudly claims to be ‘picking up the Pieces of the Soviet Union’ to form his new ‘Soros Empire’.
Russia does not help much because if you want to attack it you have to normalise Nazism, which is in the Ukrainian military and political system to the bone, some American analysts claim that Volodimir Zelensky is under death threat and that his close associates are there to make sure that Ukraine never makes peace with Russia, Strangely we saw this proven by the dead Ukrainian Diplomat on the Peace Accords Negotiating team, on the other hand the US and NATO are rushing to see how Russia is rapidly advancing its stated goals and hindering their plans to see Ukraine back in the hands of the Oligarchs, the Biological Weapons Bases and Nuclear Weapons Projects that were abruptly suspended.
The Pandemics ‘coincidentally’ were also suspended, as Donald Trump would say ‘Chy-na’ (Ukraine).
Will we have to accept the revival of the Racial Supremacism of the Nazi Fascist Elites? We know they never died, and they are at the core of all the Countries that profited from the Second World War, ranging from Germany to Argentina.
‘Slava Ukraina’ which should be a cry of Pride, of Pure Nationalism and Recognition of the Ukrainian people suddenly becomes a cry of War, a bait to catch something bigger, which will only bring more Death, Suffering and Terror to its inhabitants.
Long Live Ukraine, but Live in Peace, in prosperity, away from Usury, Nazism and War, Peace to Ukraine.
No copyright infringement intended, this video is only for educational purposes, is not monetised and is a non profit effort, sources are shared and public.
Ukraine wins Eurovision 2022 with Kalush Orchestra’s Stefania | ABC News
Putin says Ukraine run by “band of drug addicts and neo-Nazis”; urges Ukrainian army to stage coup
CBS / Film shows Queen Elizabeth giving Nazi salute as a child
The Hitler Salute

Raw footage, includes offensive language, uncensored footage and bodies of war casualties, discretion advised, 17+ recommended.
Europe and the United States are silencing Russian voices specifically Russia Today America in the States and RT UK have been closed the first and censored the latter, Mass Media has officially become War Propaganda, The Mass Media is claiming for a Russian Coup to discharge Putin, of course that would be the easy, quick and cheap way….
But, if the world as a whole is strongly divided… isn’t it a double-edged sword? With warmongering propaganda such a scenario becomes uncharted territory, the knife is in the air and at any second it can fall on either side, the only thing that stands in the way are human consciences, free speech and truth.
Let’s be clear, the sides are between the Old World Order, the dominance and “stability” of the Dollar, and a New World Order (To be controlled by the Deep State, Khazarian Mafias, Soros, Roschitlds, Monarchies, the authors of the eternal Plandemies, Corporate Fascism, Extreme Surveillance and Trans-humanism), they want this New World Order to be eternal, a Chinese Social Credit System where the human being becomes a subject for eternity, Neo-Feudalism where their desires, development and capacities are controlled, with a single narrative and no possibility of dissent, that gentlemen is what is at stake, not a war against Russia… A war against the Human Being, Putin is just a stone that is about to be removed, while we have these few seconds to reflect…
Senex Petrovic …a Broken Screen