Paul Davids | The Ultimate 432Hz VS 440Hz | CONSPIRACY + Comparison (Subitulos Español)
Paul Davids compares how music sounds at 432 hertz tones and how the music we know sounds in tune at 440 hertz, judge by yourself:
“Para gustos, hay colores del Vino”
a Latin maxim
“De gustibus non est disputandum”
“In matters of taste, there can be no disputes”
Great display of talent by Paul Davids indeed, music vibrates and resonates in all frequencies and in all scales, that is the beauty, music is sound, sound and frequency is everything, bad or good sound, beautiful or horrible, that is the secret, our mind adapts in the scale that starts the music and the human being tries to follow that musical scale that resonates in his mind, but indeed if everything in the universe are frequencies, atoms, planets or galaxies in movement generating harmonies, the music of the spheres, then you will have harmonic sounds and dissonant sounds. … so, do you prefer harmony in your life? or dissonance?.
“There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres.”
Universal music
Musica universalis or Harmony of the Spheres is an ancient philosophical concept that regards the proportions in the movements of the celestial bodies – the Sun, Moon and planets – as a form of music. This “music” is usually not literally audible, but a harmonic, mathematical or religious concept. The idea continued to appeal to thinkers about music until the end of the Renaissance, influencing scholars of many kinds, including humanists.
To document Paul Davids' questions and his conclusions, we could find more information related to the origin of the Second, as a unit of measurement of time, which is associated with mathematical measures that correspond to numbers with more divisible properties than 10, the 60 which is related to many numbers 2, 6, 10, 12, 15, 30, etc.
About the guitar, this is a musical instrument that generates reverberation, that is to say that it resonates and generates more audible tones, that is why it is widely used as it resonates making the music more complete in a single instrument, 432 hz is recommended more than 440 hz, because the latter create auditory dissonance, therefore it is presumed that they also generate vibrational dissonance, and we know that all matter is affected by sound and its frequencies, everything in the universe are frequencies such as sound, light, electrons, photons and light as well as electrical energy.
About the theories of healing music at 432 hz, there are many studies in medicine about it, we can mention the following one, shared by the National Library of Medicine and
Results: 432 Hz tuned music was associated with a slight decrease of mean (systolic and diastolic) blood pressure values (although not significant), a marked decrease in the mean of heart rate (-4.79 bpm, p = 0.05) and a slight decrease of the mean respiratory rate values (1 r.a., p = 0.06), compared to 440 Hz. The subjects were more focused about listening to music and more generally satisfied after the sessions in which they listened to 432 Hz tuned music.
Music Tuned to 440 Hz Versus 432 Hz and the Health Effects: A Double-blind Cross-over Pilot Study
Conclusions: The data suggests that 432 Hz tuned music can decrease heart rate more than 440 Hz tuned music. The study results suggest repeating the experiment with a larger sample pool and introducing randomized controlled trials covering more clinical parameters.
When he says that music does not even reach 432 hertz, that does not mean that intonation at 432 does not exist, intonation allows all other pitches or notes to be synchronised as they are generated in a mathematical pattern that determines the sound frequencies.
Finally, although Paul Davids does a very good job of showing the musical comparison, he raises logical questions which he does not answer, which is not to say that intonation at 432 Hertz is wrong.
Video source: Paul Davids in Youtube
by Senex Petrovic …a Broken Screen 2021