Devastating report on TV India about Canada, Justin Trudeau and the “Truckers for Freedom Event”, Where’s Trudeau?
Dr. Fauci: “These are experimental vaccines that may cause autoimmune response and that were tested only in 45 human individuals”.
FreeWorldNews.TV: Athletes All Over The World Are Dropping Dead From Vaccines, By MarkRasmussen in Rumble
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko: “COVID has become a tool of control” (Subtitulado Español)
RUSSELS: False flag operations to blame the “antivax” organised by Soros and Antifa Mercenaries and Pseudo Cops #FallCabal
@CoronaCommittee Announcement: Start of the Grand Jury Proceeding “Resistance here is not only possible, but required” by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer
What is being done can only be considered CRIMINAL acts, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche (Subtitulado Español)